Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Serving with Greatest Love

Today, I had the great honor to spend another day with my teacher, Dr. & Grandmaster Zhi Gang Sha, Tao Source Grandmaster, Miracle Healer, and my greatest role model.

Serving with greatest love was the teaching of the day for me!  Dr. & Master Sha gave teachings and led us through practices to open our hearts, to feel, receive and give greatest love.

Greatest love was present in all the healing demonstrations and they touched my heart deeply.   In one healing, Dr. & Master Sha called upon Master Pamela Uyeunten to help a new student who came in with a neck brace and reported being in pain for years due to an accident.  He initially reported a constant pain level of about 9 on scale of 0-10.  I could see the pain in his face and my eyes teared as I heard his story and could sense the pain he suffered.  After the healing, he reported pain levels dropped between  zero and one!  It was truly a miracle!  

In another healing demonstration, Master Sha chose an individual who was in a wheelchair and reported being diagnosed with a stage 2 rare cancer which caused him to have greatly fluctuating blood pressure which caused him to be too weak to walk at times.  Master Sha recommended that this person come for the Tao Miracles Healing week that started the following day to continue to receive blessings.  His spouse said she wouldn't be able to bring him. My heart fell as I thought about the possible lost healing opportunities for this special soul.  

I could feel Master Sha's heart, great love and desire to serve them.  He said he would still serve them that day and shared a heart opening story.  He encouraged them to "try their best to come."  I sensed a feeling of hopefulness in the man and a heart opening in his spouse.  I kept a look out the following day to see if they would come.  I was thrilled when I saw they made it.  I was amazed to see the gentleman now able to stand on his own on the stage to share his progress of having a more stabilized blood pressure which made him stronger so he could walk. It was a heart moving experience!

I feel extremely blessed to be able to witness these healing miracles and to experience how Greatest Love melts blockages and opens hearts so healing can occur.  I feel so extremely grateful to continue to be able to learn and purify with all of the teachings, healings, and practices Dr. & Master Sha offers so I too can give greater service by giving greatest love.

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