Sunday, August 2, 2015

Master Sha, the Greatest Universal Servant

I have been so blessed to have been able to spend a day with my teacher, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Tao Source Grandmaster, Miracle Healer, and the Greatest Universal Servant.

Dr. & Master Sha, travels tirelessly around the world serving all souls.  After back to back workshops workshops in Australia, he arrived in Hawaii.  Straight from the airport, he met with his students -  teaching, guiding, and blessing us beyond our comprehension.

He soon started writing powerful Tao Source Healing Calligraphies for the Tao Miracle Healing Demonstrations and Tao Miracle Healing Week that would start the next morning.  He allowed a few students helping with the event to experience the great healing power of the Tao Source Calligraphies.  After meditating with the calligraphies for only two minutes some students' physical pains were gone.  My healing request was to open my heart further, so that I could be a greater universal servant and serve with greater love, forgiveness, compassion, light and more.  I could feel a clearing in my chest area and the area felt so much lighter and much more open.  I could feel my blockages continue to release throughout the rest of the day.

The next morning, as soon as I entered the Tao Source Calligraphy Healing Field where so many of Master Sha's Tao Source Calligraphies were displayed, I cried in great gratitude.  I was so happy to feel this deeper opening in my heart.  I could feel the great power of the sacred healing field Dr. & Master Sha created and was so profoundly grateful for all Master Sha has sacrificed and all he gives us.   He is always thinking about others and how to best serve them.  I have very far to go to be even a small percentage of where Master Sha is, however, because of the profound blessings, wisdom, guidance, strategies, and tools he gives us I am so hopeful and confident that I am able to move in the right direction.  Thank you so much Master Sha!  I love and appreciate you beyond words!

You too can experience the greatest love and healing blessings of Dr. & Master Sha and the Tao Source Calligraphy Healing Field.  Register for Tao Healing Miracle Healing Events at You will be so extremely blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Master Laurie, thank you for sharing. Can you please email me, ty ty ty ly ly ly
