Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Great Value of Receiving Yin/Yang Feedback from Others to be of Greater Service

I have been blessed with spiritual mothers, fathers and teachers who would demonstrate great humility and openness by requesting their students to openly and honestly give them feedback on how they can improve.  They would say this is a way we can show our love to them so they can also improve.  This touched my heart deeply and made me feel more comfortable sharing with them as I did really love and respect them.

Thinking of how I too really want to improve, I encouraged students in a group I co lead to provide written feedback on the group and myself as one of the leaders.  It was most enlightening and humbling!  I have wonderful members who are very sweet and was so grateful they were able to more honestly share their perceptions on my strengths and weaknesses.   The responses were very gracious and as I read through the evaluations I got further insights about myself.  

To be honest, as I started writing this blog, my initial intentions were to share my gratitude and reactions to learning more about areas I needed to work on, how my forgiveness practice led me to have greater insights of other blockages and areas to strengthen.  Although, these insights were very valuable to me, another realization about yin/yang balance came through.

In the middle of writing this blog, I realized I was also repeating a pattern of being overfocused on my weaknesses that can sometimes lead me to be overly critical on myself and feeling a bit down.   I remembered many years ago in my counseling practicum, my supervisor firmly yet compassionately informed me I wasn't as attentive when he shared what I did right, however, I would be alert and only write down areas I needed to improve.  He taught me that I also needed to know what I did right so I could continue doing those things.  I have passed along and shared this wisdom with my clients, but realized I still haven't mastered it myself.  Thinking about my recent evaluation right now, I can remember the reported areas I needed to improve but actually do not remember my reported strengths.

Dr. & Master Sha often shares the wisdom that everything has two sides, everyone and everything has a Yin Yang nature. Receiving feedback to improve one's service also follows that wisdom.  If a person overly focuses on one's weaknesses, one can feel depressed, lose confidence in one's self.  If one focuses only on one's strengths, one can create greater ego and lose the precious opportunity to move forward to improve.  I am grateful that I received this teaching and insight of how I can have a more balanced yin yang approach to receiving and integrating feedback so I may be of greater service.

Enjoy the teachings of Dr. & Master Sha on the Yin Yang Law and how it can help you in all areas of your life.

Teaching on Yin/Yang Law

Friday, August 14, 2015

Balancing and Prioritizing My Service with my Family

Balancing and prioritizing how and where I serve is something I continue to work on.  I have felt a great commitment and honor to be able to serve in various ways, as a psychologist, healer, mother, spouse, mentor, friend, etc. 
Recently, I have been traveling back and forth on weekends to be able to better serve my soul journey by being able to be with my beloved spiritual teacher, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha.   This for me has been one of the greatest honors and privileges.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to also serve as Dr. & Master Sha's disciple and Worldwide Representative.       
I am also very appreciative of my family and my career.  I have been very blessed to have a supportive family and clients with whom I really enjoy working.  Because my family have been quite supportive for me in the past and I have been able to take trips when needed for workshops or events I feel I am sometimes taking them for granted.
I had a great realization on how much I needed to better serve them when I returned home from a workshop and reflected on my interaction with my family.  When I was away, I was quite busy and rarely contacted them.  When I returned home from my trips, they were already asleep.  The next morning I was also up early on teleconference calls.  One time, when my spouse greeted me for the first time since I was away and wanted some attention, I instead, I gave him an "excuse me, I'm on the call" look.  As he turned away, I immediately felt so sorry and silently did a forgiveness practice.  I was aware that I really needed to integrate the deep teachings and wisdom Dr. & Master Sha shares of giving greatest love, compassion to our family and being in balance.

I have since made greater attempts when I am home to be more consciously present with them.  I am grateful for evenings when I am able to return home before my daughter's bedtime to give her my full attention and pour my love in the massages she loves to receive.  I am also working on having each interaction with my spouse whether a greeting, text, request, etc. be of a more loving and appreciative tone.   This has really helped me feel more aligned with the love and joy of service, my teacher, Dr. & Master Sha teaches us and constantly embodies.  I am most grateful that I have received this important insight of how I can be of greater service in this way!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Serving with Greatest Love

Today, I had the great honor to spend another day with my teacher, Dr. & Grandmaster Zhi Gang Sha, Tao Source Grandmaster, Miracle Healer, and my greatest role model.

Serving with greatest love was the teaching of the day for me!  Dr. & Master Sha gave teachings and led us through practices to open our hearts, to feel, receive and give greatest love.

Greatest love was present in all the healing demonstrations and they touched my heart deeply.   In one healing, Dr. & Master Sha called upon Master Pamela Uyeunten to help a new student who came in with a neck brace and reported being in pain for years due to an accident.  He initially reported a constant pain level of about 9 on scale of 0-10.  I could see the pain in his face and my eyes teared as I heard his story and could sense the pain he suffered.  After the healing, he reported pain levels dropped between  zero and one!  It was truly a miracle!  

In another healing demonstration, Master Sha chose an individual who was in a wheelchair and reported being diagnosed with a stage 2 rare cancer which caused him to have greatly fluctuating blood pressure which caused him to be too weak to walk at times.  Master Sha recommended that this person come for the Tao Miracles Healing week that started the following day to continue to receive blessings.  His spouse said she wouldn't be able to bring him. My heart fell as I thought about the possible lost healing opportunities for this special soul.  

I could feel Master Sha's heart, great love and desire to serve them.  He said he would still serve them that day and shared a heart opening story.  He encouraged them to "try their best to come."  I sensed a feeling of hopefulness in the man and a heart opening in his spouse.  I kept a look out the following day to see if they would come.  I was thrilled when I saw they made it.  I was amazed to see the gentleman now able to stand on his own on the stage to share his progress of having a more stabilized blood pressure which made him stronger so he could walk. It was a heart moving experience!

I feel extremely blessed to be able to witness these healing miracles and to experience how Greatest Love melts blockages and opens hearts so healing can occur.  I feel so extremely grateful to continue to be able to learn and purify with all of the teachings, healings, and practices Dr. & Master Sha offers so I too can give greater service by giving greatest love.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Master Sha, the Greatest Universal Servant

I have been so blessed to have been able to spend a day with my teacher, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Tao Source Grandmaster, Miracle Healer, and the Greatest Universal Servant.

Dr. & Master Sha, travels tirelessly around the world serving all souls.  After back to back workshops workshops in Australia, he arrived in Hawaii.  Straight from the airport, he met with his students -  teaching, guiding, and blessing us beyond our comprehension.

He soon started writing powerful Tao Source Healing Calligraphies for the Tao Miracle Healing Demonstrations and Tao Miracle Healing Week that would start the next morning.  He allowed a few students helping with the event to experience the great healing power of the Tao Source Calligraphies.  After meditating with the calligraphies for only two minutes some students' physical pains were gone.  My healing request was to open my heart further, so that I could be a greater universal servant and serve with greater love, forgiveness, compassion, light and more.  I could feel a clearing in my chest area and the area felt so much lighter and much more open.  I could feel my blockages continue to release throughout the rest of the day.

The next morning, as soon as I entered the Tao Source Calligraphy Healing Field where so many of Master Sha's Tao Source Calligraphies were displayed, I cried in great gratitude.  I was so happy to feel this deeper opening in my heart.  I could feel the great power of the sacred healing field Dr. & Master Sha created and was so profoundly grateful for all Master Sha has sacrificed and all he gives us.   He is always thinking about others and how to best serve them.  I have very far to go to be even a small percentage of where Master Sha is, however, because of the profound blessings, wisdom, guidance, strategies, and tools he gives us I am so hopeful and confident that I am able to move in the right direction.  Thank you so much Master Sha!  I love and appreciate you beyond words!

You too can experience the greatest love and healing blessings of Dr. & Master Sha and the Tao Source Calligraphy Healing Field.  Register for Tao Healing Miracle Healing Events at You will be so extremely blessed!