Thinking of how I too really want to improve, I encouraged students in a group I co lead to provide written feedback on the group and myself as one of the leaders. It was most enlightening and humbling! I have wonderful members who are very sweet and was so grateful they were able to more honestly share their perceptions on my strengths and weaknesses. The responses were very gracious and as I read through the evaluations I got further insights about myself.
To be honest, as I started writing this blog, my initial intentions were to share my gratitude and reactions to learning more about areas I needed to work on, how my forgiveness practice led me to have greater insights of other blockages and areas to strengthen. Although, these insights were very valuable to me, another realization about yin/yang balance came through.
In the middle of writing this blog, I realized I was also repeating a pattern of being overfocused on my weaknesses that can sometimes lead me to be overly critical on myself and feeling a bit down. I remembered many years ago in my counseling practicum, my supervisor firmly yet compassionately informed me I wasn't as attentive when he shared what I did right, however, I would be alert and only write down areas I needed to improve. He taught me that I also needed to know what I did right so I could continue doing those things. I have passed along and shared this wisdom with my clients, but realized I still haven't mastered it myself. Thinking about my recent evaluation right now, I can remember the reported areas I needed to improve but actually do not remember my reported strengths.
Dr. & Master Sha often shares the wisdom that everything has two sides, everyone and everything has a Yin Yang nature. Receiving feedback to improve one's service also follows that wisdom. If a person overly focuses on one's weaknesses, one can feel depressed, lose confidence in one's self. If one focuses only on one's strengths, one can create greater ego and lose the precious opportunity to move forward to improve. I am grateful that I received this teaching and insight of how I can have a more balanced yin yang approach to receiving and integrating feedback so I may be of greater service.
Enjoy the teachings of Dr. & Master Sha on the Yin Yang Law and how it can help you in all areas of your life.
Teaching on Yin/Yang Law