Practicing the characters Tao Guang (Tao Light) and Ling Guang (Soul Light) almost daily, and providing Tao Soul Light Calligraphy blessings to over 20 case studies, have really helped my soul journey! For over a year, I have felt blockages in my ability to be of greater service. My availability, motivation and ability to do simple tasks, participate in meetings, do practices were challenged. I felt so very grateful I had the Tao Calligraphy training for it provided me the opportunity to clear and transform many blockages! I felt so much happier, peaceful, and motivated when I did my Tao Calligraphy practice and gave Tao Calligraphy healing blessings!
Below is a short testimonial from one of my case studies who had difficulty sleeping. I gave her a Tao Calligraphy blessing and gave her a Tao Guang calligraphy.
"After a few days (from the blessings)...of tracing the calligraphy "Tao Guang" 10 times during the morning and 10 times in the evening, I saw instant results! I was able to fall asleep quicker as my head hit the pillow. I then increased the tracing up to 50 times in the A.M. and 50 times P.M. where by I can fall asleep instantly. I now have gone back to 10 times in the A.M. and 10 times in the PM and continue to have good sleep. I also don't get up after 2 hours and if I do I don't have difficulty falling asleep again. My sleeping has been so wonderful!" - Susan
I encourage everyone to receive Tao Soul Light Calligraphy blessings and to participate in Master Sha's and other Divine Channels or certified Tao Calligraphy Teachers workshops to learn to heal, transform, and be of greater service!
Below are videos of Master Sha teaching how to write Tao and Ling!
With greatest love, Master Laurie